Mobilsanitas means absolute specialization in the design and production of HOSPITAL FURNITURE, the epitome of ITALIAN QUALITY: the effective design and efficient production typical of a large industrial concern, combined with the attention to detail and service of true craftsmen.

Workings are made on numeric control and computerized machines and our skilled workers follow market demands and needs.

The production process is always preceded by analysis of human requirements, to provide workers and users with efficient aids: people who always deserves the very best quality.
MOBILSANITAS S.R.L. - Sede legale: via A.Grandi, 6 - 15033 Casale (AL) - P.IVA 00888420064 - Capitale sociale € 100.000 i.v. - Registro Imprese di Alessandria n. 00888420064 - REA n.132264